
Terms and Conditions of Use

1. PURPOSE of the private platform naturallawnetwork,
Is to provide mankind with a natural platform for a private community consisting of men and women who prefer to live according to the highest possible code of natural law: Within this community, everyone bears his/her responsibility in complying with, and embodying the principle and spirit of natural law; Everything on this private platform is done under natural law; Every legal statute, rule or article is worthless and without jurisdiction here within this community;
Natural law is free from formal errors, so that all liability, responsibility and law remains 100% intact; The intention is decisive and every intention that carries ill will (whether consciously or unconsciously), is susceptible to correction, by the man/woman in question who is guilty of it. Every man/woman is, without exception, at all times liable for every action performed through her body/hand and the resulting result;

2. Definitions
2.1 Human: an authentic energy/signature as a spiritually autonomous being that expresses itself through a unique individual physical body within a gender: man or woman;
2.2 The law of nature: always act from unity, brotherhood and love = never harm another living being (do not harm);
2.3 Crime: an act that lacks goodness and causes suffering to others;
2.4 Abuse of power: the conscious or unconscious abuse of your mental capacity to violate the integrity: autonomy of will and body of another living being/individual, in other words all possible forms of coercion;
2.5 Formal errors: every person makes his/her right known in his/her own respectful way, within the advised logical parameters: e.g. a murderer can never escape punishment because of a procedural error (formal error);

3. Conditions
This text is one whole, and nothing may/can be interpreted separately, nor taken out of context; Any interpretation must be consistent with the spirit and context of this text; Any attempt to manipulate, harm or maliciously interpret or misuse naturallaw.network, will be considered a violation of law, for which you will be held personally liable;

4. Your voluntary agreement
By using and/or visiting this website (collectively, including all content and available through the domain name naturallaw.network and any country-specific domains or subdomains thereof, the “naturallaw.network Website” or “Website”), you indicate your understanding and express agreement to all of the following;

Naturallaw.network may change or revise these Terms of Service and policies at any time;

5. The website of Naturallaw.network and co
These Terms of Service apply to all users of the naturallaw.network website, including users who also contribute video content, information and other materials or services to the Website; These Terms apply to all aspects related to the naturallaw.network, including but not limited to the naturallaw.network forums, the naturallaw.net Greeting system, The Poke System, The point and Level system, the Games system, the Pages system, the naturallaw.network forum system, the naturallaw.network online store and product systems, the naturallaw.network forums, the naturallaw.network movie systems, the Gift system, the job board system, the memory system, the community system, shops, the shoutbox, chat, any other possible related projects that may be developed and rolled out in the future and all other functions and systems related to and of the naturallaw.network;

6. Social Media Platform;
6.1 We, the people who own and manage naturallawnetwork, do everything we can to ban any form of meanness that goes against natural law and the spirit of brotherhood such as content, links or references to sites that give evidence of a lack of proper morality and respect: pornography, gambling, human and organ trafficking, drugs, aggression and violence, slavery, murder, war etc.;
6.2 we, the people who own and manage naturallawnetwork, accept no responsibility for the content of members, the privacy policy, cookies or practices of third party websites; Within natural law every person is expressly 100% liable and responsible for any action of their own hand or as an instigator to an act; 6.3 Each member is jointly responsible for keeping the atmosphere within this community clean and must report any questionable to malicious link/content to the administrators of this community via justice.naturallaw.network

7. membership naturallaw.network
7.1 To gain access to the functions of the Website, you must create a naturallaw.network account;
7.2 It is prohibited to use the account of another member without the express voluntary permission of the owner of the account and the administrators of naturallaw.network; If naturallaw.network discovers that someone is using an account in an unlawful manner, access to the account will be suspended for 1 month and the member must account for themselves. If this is not done, the account will be frozen for 1 year after 1 month and after that year all assets will go to the founders of naturallawnetwork, for the benefit of the community;
7.3 When creating your account on your IP address, you must provide correct and complete information; This is necessary to allow us to guarantee the security within the community and to prevent possible abuse by malicious people and bots; You manage your account yourself via a unique password and if there is a breach of your account you must communicate this as soon as possible to the control team; The administrators of Naturallaw.network do everything they can to make digital security as tight as possible and reject any liability for damage caused by unauthorized use of your account; If it turns out that the member is at fault, the administrators of naturallaw.network can hold the member liable for all losses that naturallaw.network or other members suffer as a result of such unauthorized use;

8. General use of the website — Permissions and restrictions
The naturallaw.network team grants each properly registered member permission to access and properly use the Website; By proper use of the site we understand that each member is legally competent, so competent in distinguishing good from evil and from there to treat each other with respect, free from unilateral action for any and own gain to the detriment of the other party(ies); Any harmful or malicious action (whether or not intentional) is reason for correction; Not exhaustive:
8.1 Any copy/reproductive/modifying action or other possible use regarding content, must logically proceed via the consent of the author due to property rights;
8.2 Any modifying or reproductive action of a part of the platform/website can only be done with the permission of the management team of the naturallaw.network;
8.3 You agree not to access User Submissions (defined below) or content of naturallaw.network via any technology or other means than the pages of the Website itself, the naturallaw.network RSS feed, or other expressly authorized means that naturallaw.network accepts; 8.4 You agree not to use any portion of the naturallaw.network website, including the naturallaw.network RSS feed, for any commercial use without the prior written consent of naturallaw.network; Prohibited commercial uses include any of the following actions taken without the consent of naturallaw.network:
* selling access to the Website or its related services on another website;
8.5 You agree not to use the Website or its related services for the primary purpose of obtaining advertising or subscription revenue;
8.6 You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, “spiders”, or “offline readers”, that accesses the Website in a manner that sends more request messages to the naturallaw.network servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional on-line web browser, which if detected by our network administrators and operators will immediately result in a minimum claim for damages of €10,000 or the equivalent in NLAWC coins, gold or silver; Notwithstanding the foregoing, naturallaw.network grants the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from the Site for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches, copies or archives of such materials; naturallaw.network reserves the right to revoke these exceptions, either generally or in specific cases; 8.7 You understand that this is a private platform, only accessible to users who have accepted the digital membership and the associated vision and conditions;
8.8 legal statutory management entities from a positive judicial perspective will not have access, nor can they assert any rights or exercise any control within our community; Any attempt to do so is a violation of the private nature of this community and is considered a deliberate attempt to cause harm, for which the owners of naturallawnetwork or its administrators are entitled to compensation for the benefit of the community;
8.9 ANY violation must be submitted to the judicial authority associated with this community: the house of justice that regulates in accordance with natural law, which can be found at justice.naturallaw.network;
8.10 There is a possible collaboration between the management of naturallawnetwork and the police in tracking down criminals (murderers, rapists, thieves, genocide, etc.);
8.11 The owners and administrators of naturallaw.network reserve the right to discontinue or change any aspect of the naturallaw.network website at any time;

9. Your User Submissions
9.1 As a naturallaw.network account holder, you may submit video content (“User Videos”) and textual content (“User Comments”); User Videos and User Comments are collectively referred to as “User Submissions”; You understand that, regardless of whether such User Submissions are published, naturallaw.network does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to User Submissions;
9.2 You are solely liable and responsible for your own User Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing them; In connection with User Submissions, we automatically assume that you can provide guarantees of ownership or provide the necessary rights;
9.3 As the creator/owner, you retain ownership of all of your User Submissions; However, by submitting User Submissions to naturallaw.network, you hereby grant naturallaw.network a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform the Submissions with the naturallaw.network Website and the naturallaw.network Website (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels; you also hereby waive all moral rights you may have in your User Submissions and grant each user of the naturallaw.network Website a non-exclusive license to access your User Submissions through the Website, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such User Submissions as permitted through the functionality of the Website and under these Terms of Service;
9.4 In connection with User Submissions, you will act as a natural, honorable, high-minded and conscious spiritual being would be expected to act; 9.5 naturallaw.network focuses on a natural, conscious and high moral society where people positively motivate and support each other, free from any culture of fear;

10. Account closure
10.1 The administrators of naturallaw.network can, if they deem it necessary, freeze parts or a complete account until it is closed, if the member acts harmfully in accordance with the natural law principle: do not harm;
10.2 Each member can also cancel her own account;
10.3 The administrators of naturallaw.network reserve the right to review User Submissions for correctness within a natural law vision and to refuse them;

11. Remedy for violation or infringement
11.1 Each member expressly and voluntarily agrees that no court within the positive law has jurisdiction, that any problem must be settled via justice.naturallaw.network;
11.2 Each member expressly and voluntarily agrees that the decision of justice.naturallaw.network is binding on all people involved;
11.3 If you experience an infringement of your property, you will first try to settle it amicably with your fellow man in a dignified and brotherly manner and if that does not work, you can ask our intervention; Via our page justice.naturallaw.network you can report the following: a notice of copyright infringement; notice of infringement of proper content; report of account break-in; request mediation; request judicial intervention
NOTE: The House of Justice of naturallaw.network can also intervene if you have a dispute with a non-member, provided that the other person/party also agrees: through a provision in your agreement or consent via e-mail or registered letter; You include the following clause: in the event of a dispute/dispute or division, justice.narurallaw.network is authorized;
You can mention this clause at the bottom of any email, document; Each person/party who receives this document expressly agrees to this provision if not contradicted;

12. Disclaimer
You understand that you use the websites and services of naturallaw.network at your own risk and responsibility; Naturallaw.network, its owners, administrators, employees and affiliates in the broadest sense of the word, disclaim all warranties, conditions and liabilities of any kind without exception, except those they enter into through a clear written agreement; Mutual interactions and agreements between members are the responsibility of the people themselves within the platform offered by us;

13. Liability
The owners and administrators of naturallaw.network make every effort to offer a safe and optimally functioning platform and cannot be held liable in the event that they are overtaken by force majeure and any resulting damage to the member, or if a member uses his/her account in an unsafe manner;